Virtual Vernissage "Different Realities  - One World" by maxedrealities

The white room

Power of Zodiacs

Material: Ink on paper, digital illustration with Procreate (Virgo, Libra)
Size: 21x29cm
Time of creation: 2020-2021 (ongoing series)

The World of Cinema

Material: Ink on paper; aquarelle (glitter) colours 
Size: 14x17cm
Time of creation: 2019

Deep Sea Creatures

Material: Ink on paper, aquarelle marker
Size: 14x17cm
Time of creation: 2019

Red Geometrics

Material: Ink on paper, red aquarelle marker
Size: from 10x10cm to 14x17cm
Time of creation: October 2019

Mankind in Space

Material: Ink on paper, aquarelle marker, digital finish
Size: from 14x17cm to 21x29cm
Time of creation: 2018

Welcome to Fantasy

Material: Ink on paper, aquarelle marker
Size: 14x17cm
Time of creation: 2019