Exhibition “FUSION”

Every Friday and Saturday from 2021-08-06 to-2021-08-21 @Wienstation (7pm to 4am)

The exhibition “Fusion” is about three creative minds joining their forces on one canvas. Fusion is about three artists working together as the collective “The Impostors”. One painter, one photographer and me coming from pen and ink illustrations. If you want to get to know us better as a group, check this out!

How was the idea of 'Fusion' born?

Before the Covid-19 pandemic became part of our lives I met the owner of the location “Wienstation”. After our initial meeting I sent him my portfolio. He liked way works and accepted me as one of the artists for the next exhibition cycle. Afterwards, the whole planning process had to be postponed due to the pandemic. In the meantime, I met Julia and Julian with whom I founded the artist collective “The Impostors”. 

After the situation with Covid-19 got better I reached out to the gallery owner again. I used the opportunity of my exhibition for our artist collective. We decided to fuse our works into one exhibition together with the works we created as a trio. The owner also agreed on it after we sent him the portfolios of our members. And here we are sharing the experience of having an exhibition together with our friends and visitors. If you’re interested how the opening event of Fusion was going, click here

Click here for the Facebook event!

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