“FUSION” Opening Event

August 6th, 2021 @Wienstation

After a very stressful organisation phase we were really happy that we finished everything for the “FUSION” opening event in time. The DJ was ready, the bar was filled up with more everybody could drink and everything was set to go. We also created “sexy banana bags”, unique, hand-drawn bags with our logo on the one side and funny slogans on the other side – Sexy banana boy on our logo definitely speaks for himself.  

The later it got the more people came to be part of our exhibition opening event. A lot of them even seemed interested in the exhibited art, not only in the cheap drinks and the good music. There was a happy and exuberant mood in the air the whole night. Both, Luana and I, took the chance to socialise a lot with different people to show them maxedrealities. Altogether, it was a successful night for maxedrealities and the whole team. The opening event could not have been better . To celebrate we went to a Techno event by Impulstanz to spend the rest of the night together with our friends. 

If you looking for background information on FUSION, check this out!


Some impressions of the night

Opening Event

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