About “The Impostors”

How it all started

This blog post introduces our artist collective “The Impostors”. We definitely met each other by chance. I know Julian from school times, but we lost contact years ago. Then Julian started building up his artist career and sharing his journey on Instagram. So, art brought us together again and we planned a future collaboration. Julia and I met at my old workplace and I asked her if she wants to come on a meeting with us to experience a new medium. After getting to know each other we started our first project “NEON” (this Dude on the photo) with acrylic colours on canvas. Julia did the pre-sketch and together as a team we did the rest of the painting. This was the beginning of three artists on one canvas. The collective was born, but had not had a name yet. 

Why “The Impostors”?

We did a lot of brainstorming searching for a fresh, creative name. We came across the impostor syndrome, but I don’t know how anymore. This gave us an idea. What if we were the impostors as an ironic way of saying, “Here we are! Look at us! We are young, creative and doing something new.”?

If you’re asking yourself now, “What’s the impostor syndrome?”, here is a short definition. The impostor syndrome refers to “an internal experience of believing that you are not as competent as others perceive you to be.” (verywellmind.com)



Let's introduce ourselves


Photography has been a part of my life for almost ten years. My eight-month stay in Barcelona was not only the perfect opportunity to revive my love for photography, but also to take my skills to the next level. The undeniable charm of the Catalan province combined with its architecture, made this endeavor very easy for me.

Barcelona provided me with an excellent starting point and I am bursting with drive to expand my knowledge of photography.




A driving force, which animates me daily to take the brush in hand, was brought to life by the first lockdown. Painting became my passion, whether I always enjoy it or not.

I currently work with acrylics, soft pastels and graphite. In my choice of subject matter, the current focus is on portraits and streetview.



Max from maxedrealities

I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.” – Vincent van Gogh

Becoming an artist is closely connected with self-discovery. It was a process with ups and downs until I realized what art means to me as a person. I started drawing with ink in 2018 and art for me at that time was mainly technical perfection.

After one year, I decided to expand my horizons and started painting with watercolours together with my family. I also practice in oil, acrylic, charcoal, pastels and digital media. Through trial and error, I realised what it means to be an artist: to feel the act of creation passionately and to release one’s creative spirit.

There are also blog posts about the philosophy of maxedrealities, our team and about me


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