10 facts about Max

Written by Luana, his better half and the person knowing him best 😉

Today I want to share ten facts with you guys; ten facts about the artist behind maxedrealities; ten facts about Max. 

There’s already a lot of information about Max as an artist in our blog. Therefore today it’s all about Max as a  person, his characteristics and favourite activities. 

So, let’s play Max is…!

  1.  Max is very disciplined when it comes to his work-life balance. No matter how busy our week is, there is always enough time for friends and us at the weekends. We wouldn’t miss the chance to drink a good wine. 
  2.  Max is a very social being and needs social activities to stay mentally healthy and happy. Currently, it is not always easy, but we do our best to find a balance between Corona regulations, staying safe and meeting our friends. That means, we take PCR and antibody tests very often to stay and keep others safe ☺.
  3. Max is a very kind-hearted person and absolutely not materialistic. As long as we can keep our life standard, it is enough for him.  
  4.  Max is self-critical in every activity he does, not only when it comes to drawing.
  5.  Max is an outstandingly funny person and we laugh a lot together. 
  6. Max really enjoys to cook for us when he has free time on the weekends. We love to try out new recipes with local products. 
  7.  Max doesn’t think he is photogenic, but I think he is and force him regularly to do shootings with me.
  8.  Although, Max is sometimes annoyed by our young and really vivacious pug Danny, he loves his smell and kisses. Sometimes it is difficult with such a lively dog in a flat – even if he is small – but it’s also a lot of fun and it never gets boring.  
  9.  Max is the chaotic part of our relationship. In the first time of living together he left a lot of things after using them. Over the years Max has adapted a bit to my organised lifestyle, but I also got used to clearing things away. For me it’s no big deal, but for Max it’s sometimes annoying when things disappear in a sideboard or cupboard.
  10.  Another creative activity of Max besides drawing is experimenting with Blender, a free animation program. Below is a short video animation he made a while ago.

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